Ticks vary in color by species. Adult ticks can be smaller than a sunflower seed (over 1 cm long if engorged with blood), while tick larvae can be less than 1 mm.
Behaviour, Diet & Habits
Often found near wooded and highly vegetated areas. Some species require moisture to survive.
Females and males of most species feed on blood of mammals, birds and reptiles.
The treatment for the control of household is usually done to the wet areas only ( e.g. kitchen, crib huts etc.) The treatment involves the use of gels & barrier sprays in areas that Ticks may be using to access the buildings
External Ticks treatments ( e.g. meat ants, green ants & bull ants) Control can be achieved by a number of methods including commercial grade ant sand, Insecticide sprays directly to the area/s of
Various options are available depending on the level of outbreak. In some cases permanent lockable Ticks stations can be placed in areas of concern. Locations are noted for re-servicing. These stations are checked at the time scheduled pest treatments ,monthly during winter months, otherwise as required.